We Love Supporting Students

The will to educate, discover new opportunities, and work on useful projects is our inherent quality, which is a spirit we love to share with others. Did you know that Kentico was initially a Bachelor’s thesis?

We Cooperate with Universities

We involve students in our projects on a regular basis. We organize various workshops at Universities in Brno and Prague.

We Consult on Theses

We suggest topics for Bachelor and Master theses. But if you have your own idea, let us know and we can see it through together. You can also work on your thesis in our company. We praise anything that can be applied in real life. Get in touch at jobs@kentico.com

Working and studying together

It’s common that you may want a university degree. Many of us wanted it too. We labeled those positions that are open also for students. As a student, you’re a part of a team as others, but you have more time for your exams and studying.