From Holiday greetings to targeted help.
Some activities are traditionally organized. For example, we send electronic Holiday cards and send the money saved on paper, printing, and postage to the Children's Hospital in Brno. In addition, we regularly empty the coffers of voluntary donations for the hospital in the children's bazaar we have set up in the company. Since 2009, we also plant trees twice a year. A couple of thousand of them are already growing around Brno. We donate blood, run for ADRA and Světluška...
Někdy je potřeba vystoupit ze zajetých kolejí a pomoci rychle a efektivně. Když vesnice na jihu Moravy zpustošilo tornádo, nebylo možné řešit procesy. Kentico okamžitě věnovalo 1 000 000 Kč a k tomu týden vysílalo na postižená místa autobus plný dobrovolníků. Přímo v centrále potom kolegyně Karolína koordinovala pomoc pro ztracené čtyřnožce.
We were equally affected by the unleashing of Russian aggression in Ukraine. We organized a fundraiser to help equip the refugee center at Mendel University in Brno.
Volunteering + nature = teambuilding with added value.
In the spring of 2023, we learned about the opportunity to volunteer at the Brno Zoo. Clean and rebuild enclosures, wash glass surfaces, clean paths, tidy up anything that needs tidying... We have been there several times already and we are definitely not stopping.
And what about our traditional Trees for Bugs? This year we planted them in Ivančice and Ostrov u Macochy. The October date in particular was a bit adventurous—the whole week before it rained, it was grey and drizzly. So on Saturday, we equipped ourselves with boots and warm sweaters. But when we arrived in Ostrov, a beautiful Indian summer awaited us, so we managed to catch a good dose of sunshine before winter.
Kentico offers many ways to spend time together as part of the benefit package. But honestly, teambuilding that leaves a positive trace behind somehow warms the heart the most.
Wanna join us? Check out our open positions, there might be a vacant chair waiting for you in our office just now.
We also share all the information on our planned events on Facebook. Follow us to stay in the loop.